Module xenon.common.utils
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__all__ = [
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def plot_dr(
r"""Plot dispersion relation as `k-wr` and `k-wi` dots, where `wr` and `wi`
are real and imaginary parts of a complex frequency `w`.
ks: An array of `k` values.
ws: A 2d array of `w` values of shape `[nk, nSolutions]`, or a list of
length `len(k)` with different number of `w` values at different
ax0: Axes to plot `k-wr`. If it is None, `k-wr` will not be plotted.
ax1: Axes to plot `k-wi`. If it is None, `k-wi` will not be plotted.
knorm: `k` values will be normalized by `knorm` before being used.
wnorm: `w` values will be normalized by `wnorm` before being used.
knorm_name: For example, `'/k'`.
wnorm_name: For example, `'/\omega_{ci}'`.
w_min_max_is_normed: If `False`, the `wimin`, `wimax`, etc. will be
multiplied by `wnorm` before being used. The default is `True`,
i.e., the `wimin`, etc. are values after normalization.
wi_mask_funcs: A list of functions that return mask arrays using
normalized `k` and `wi` as input. For example, to remove heavily
damped solutions below the line `((0, 0), (1, -0.5))` on the `k-wi`
plane, use
def wi_mask_func0(k, wi):
return wi > k* (0+0.5) / (0-1)
def wi_mask_func0(k, wi):
k0, wi0 = 1, -0.5
k1, wi1 = 0, 0
return wi > (k-k0) * (wi1-wi0) / (k1-k0) + wi0
Another example is to keep modes within a region:
def wi_mask_func1(k, wi):
k0, wi0 = 0, 0
k1, wi1 = 5, -0.75
k2, wi2 = 5, -4
return (wi < (k-k0) * (wi1-wi0) / (k1-k0) + wi0) \
& (wi > (k-k0) * (wi2-wi0) / (k2-k0) + wi0)
wri_mask_funcs: A list of functions that return mask arrays using
normalized wr and wi as input. For example, to remove heavily damped
modes, use
def wri_mask_func0(wr, wi):
return wr >= - abs(wr) / (2.*np.pi)
if ax0 is None and ax1 is None:
if not w_min_max_is_normed:
wimin *= wnorm
wimax *= wnorm
wrmin *= wnorm
wrmax *= wnorm
ks_ = ks / knorm
if isinstance(ws, np.ndarray):
ws_ = ws / wnorm
elif isinstance(ws, list):
ws_ = [w / wnorm for w in ws]
raise TypeError('type(ws) {} =/= ndarray or list'.format(type(ws)))
if isinstance(ws, np.ndarray):
for iSol in range(ws.shape[1]):
w = ws_[:, iSol]
wi = np.imag(w)
wr = np.real(w)
mask = (wi > wimin) & (wi < wimax) & (wr > wrmin) & (wr < wrmax)
if len(wi_mask_funcs) + len(wri_mask_funcs) > 0:
for wi_mask_func in wi_mask_funcs:
mask = mask & (wi_mask_func(ks_, wi))
for wri_mask_func in wri_mask_funcs:
mask = mask & (wri_mask_func(wr, wi))
wr = wr[mask]
wi = wi[mask]
k = ks_[mask]
if len(k) == 0:
if ax0 is not None:
sc0 = ax0.scatter(k, wr, **pargs0)
if ax1 is not None:
sc1 = ax1.scatter(k, wi, **pargs1)
elif isinstance(ws, list):
nk = len(ks_)
for ik, kk in enumerate(ks_):
wreal = ws_[ik].real
wimag = ws_[ik].imag
mask = (wimag > wimin) & (wimag < wimax) & (wreal > wrmin) & (wreal < wrmax)
wr = wreal[mask]
wi = wimag[mask]
nSols = len(ws_[ik])
k = np.full((nSols), kk)[mask]
if len(k) == 0:
if ax0 is not None:
sc0 = ax0.scatter(k, wr, **pargs0)
if ax1 is not None:
sc1 = ax1.scatter(k, wi, **pargs1)
if ax0 is not None:
ax0.set_xlim(ks_.min(), ks_.max())
if ax1 is not None:
ax1.set_xlim(ks_.min(), ks_.max())
class extra_params():
"""A class to compute useful variables from basic parameters for repeated
def __init__(self, species, params, problem_type=None):
species (np.ndarray): A `nSpecies*nComponents` matrix. The components
are: `q, m, n0, v0x, v0y, v0z, p0perp, p0para, gamma_perp, gamma_para`.
An example for plasma with isothermal electrons and adiabatic ions:
species = np.array([
[q_e, m_e, n0_e, v0x_e, v0y_e, v0z_e, p0perp_e, p0para_e,
gamma_perp_e, gamma_para_e], # electron
[q_i, m_i, n0_i, v0x_i, v0y_i, v0z_i, p0perp_i, p0para_i,
gamma_perp_i, gamma_para_i], # ion
params (dict): A dictionary with keys `Bz`, `c`, `epsilon0`.
if species.shape[1] == 10: # fluid em3d
q, m, n, vx, vy, vz, p_perp, p_para, gamma_perp, gamma_para = np.rollaxis(
species, axis=1)
if problem_type is None:
problem_type = 'em3d'
assert problem_type == 'em3d'
elif species.shape[1] == 9: # fluid es3d
q, m, n, vx, vz, p_perp, p_para, gamma_perp, gamma_para = np.rollaxis(
species, axis=1)
vy = 0
if problem_type is None:
problem_type = 'es3d'
assert problem_type == 'es3d'
elif species.shape[1] == 6: # fluid es1d
q, m, n, vx, p, gamma = np.rollaxis(species, axis=1)
vy = 0
vz = 0
p_perp = p
p_para = p
gamma_perp = gamma
gamma_para = gamma
if problem_type is None:
problem_type = 'es1d'
assert problem_type == 'es1d'
elif species.shape[1] == 7: # vlasov es3d
q, m, n, vx, vz, p_perp, p_para = np.rollaxis(
np.array(species), axis=1)
vy = 0
if problem_type is None:
problem_type = 'es3d'
assert problem_type == 'es3d'
elif species.shape[1] == 5: # vlasov es1d
q, m, n, vx, p = np.rollaxis(species, axis=1)
gamma = 1
vy = 0
vz = 0
p_perp = p
p_para = p
gamma_perp = gamma
gamma_para = gamma
if problem_type is None:
problem_type = 'es1d'
assert problem_type == 'es1d'
raise ValueError(
'`species` must have 6 (fluid es1d), 9 (fluid es3d) 10 '
'(fluid em3d) , 5 (vlasov es1d), or 7 (vlasov es3d) '
nSpecies = len(q)
B, c = 0, 1
if problem_type in ['es3d', 'em3d']:
B = params['Bz']
if problem_type in ['em3d']:
c = params['c']
epsilon0 = params['epsilon0']
c2 = c**2
mu0 = 1 / c2 / epsilon0
wp = np.sqrt(n * q**2. / epsilon0 / m)
wp_tot = np.linalg.norm(wp)
wc = q * B / m
cs = np.sqrt(gamma_para * p_para / n / m) # sound speeds
rho_m = (n * m).sum()
vAlf = np.sqrt(B**2 / mu0 / (m * n))
if abs(B) > 0:
vAlf_tot = np.sqrt(1 / (1 / vAlf**2).sum())
vAlf_tot = 0
vAlf2 = vAlf_tot**2
# magnetosonic speed
if (np.abs(B) > np.finfo(np.float64).eps * 1e3):
vMS = np.sqrt(c2 * vAlf2 * (1 + (cs**2 / vAlf**2).sum()) /
(vAlf2 + c2))
vMS = c2 * vAlf2 / (c2 + vAlf2)
self.q = q
self.m = m
self.n = n
self.vx = vx
self.vy = vy
self.vz = vz
self.p_para = p_para
self.p_perp = p_perp
self.gamma_para = gamma_para
self.gamma_perp = gamma_perp
self.nSpecies = nSpecies
# kB * T
T_para = p_para / n
T_perp = p_perp / n
T = p_para / n # FIXME more rigorous
lambdaD = np.sqrt(epsilon0 * T / n / q**2)
self.T_para = T_para
self.T_perp = T_perp
self.T = T
self.lambdaD = lambdaD
for val, key in enumerate(params):
setattr(self, key, val)
self.c = np.sqrt(c2)
self.wp = wp
self.wp_tot = wp_tot
self.wc = wc
self.cs = cs
self.rho_m = rho_m
self.vAlf = vAlf
self.vAlf_tot = vAlf_tot
self.vMS = vMS
if nSpecies == 2 and q[0] < 0. and q[1] > 0:
wpe = self.wp[0]
wpi = self.wp[1]
wce = self.wc[0]
wci = self.wc[1]
wp = self.wp_tot
# exact lower and higher hybrid frequencies; solutions of S=0
w2_sum = 0.5 * (wpe**2 + wpi**2 + wce**2 + wci**2)
w2_perm = wpe**2 * wci**2 + wpi**2 * wce**2 + wce**2 * wci**2
self.wLH = np.sqrt(w2_sum - np.sqrt(w2_sum**2 - w2_perm))
self.wUH = np.sqrt(w2_sum + np.sqrt(w2_sum**2 - w2_perm))
# exact cutoff frequencies left- and right-handed
# circularly-polarized waves solutions of L=0 and R=0
self.wR = 0.5 * (abs(wce) - wci) + np.sqrt((0.5 *
(abs(wce) + wci))**2 +
self.wL = 0.5 * (wci - abs(wce)) + np.sqrt((0.5 *
(abs(wce) + wci))**2 +
self.wpe = wpe
self.wpi = wpi
self.wce = wce
self.wci = wci
self.cse = self.cs[0]
self.csi = self.cs[1]
self.vAlfe = self.vAlf[0]
self.vAlfi = self.vAlf[1] = self.p_para[0]
self.pi = self.p_para[1]
self.rhoe = self.n[0] * self.m[0]
self.rhoi = self.n[1] * self.m[1]
def draw_extra_params(params, ax, ks=None, what=[], cost=None):
params: A extra_params instance.
what: A list of various curves to draw. Eligible elements are:
vAlf, vMs, wp, wpe, wpi, wce, wci, wUH, wLH, wL, wR, wce, wci.
cost: cos(theta) to be used with vAlf, vMs, wce, wci.
if 'vAlf' in what:
ax.plot(ks, ks * params.vAlf_tot, label=r'$kv_{A}$', c='r')
if 'vAlf*cost' in what:
ks * params.vAlf_tot * cost,
if 'vMS' in what:
ax.plot(ks, ks * params.vMS, label=r'$kv_{\rm{magsonic}}$', c='b')
if 'vMS*cost' in what:
ks * params.vMS * cost,
if 'wp' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wp_tot, label=r'$\omega_{p}$', c='r', ls='dotted')
if 'wpi' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wpi, label=r'$\omega_{pi}$', ls='dotted', c='g')
if 'wpe' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wpe, label=r'$\omega_{pe}$', ls='dotted', c='b')
if 'wUH' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wUH, label=r'$\omega_{UH}$', ls='--',
c='c') # upper hybrid
if 'wLH' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wLH, label=r'$\omega_{LH}$', ls='--',
c='m') # lower hybrid
if 'wL' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wL, label=r'$\omega_{L}$', ls='--', c='k')
if 'wR' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wR, label=r'$\omega_{R}$', ls='--', c='g')
if 'wci' in what:
ax.axhline(params.wci * cost,
if 'wce' in what:
ax.axhline(abs(params.wce * cost),
if 'acoustic' in what or 'aw' in what:
line_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.8, lw=5, ls='dotted', c='b', label='AW')
wp2 = params.wp_tot**2
ci2 = params.csi**2
ce2 = params.cse**2
wpi2 = params.wpi**2
wpe2 = params.wpe**2
ks2 = ks**2
ws = np.empty((len(ks), 4), dtype=np.complex128)
for ik, k2 in enumerate(ks2):
ws[ik, :] = np.roots(
(1, 0, -(wp2 + k2 * ci2 + k2 * ce2), 0,
k2 * ci2 * wpe2 + k2 * ce2 * wpi2 + k2**2 * ce2 * ci2))
ws[:, 3].real, # FIXME sort result?
if 'acoustic*cost' in what or 'aw*cost' in what:
line_kwargs = dict(
ci2 = params.csi**2
ce2 = params.cse**2
wpi2 = params.wpi**2
wpe2 = params.wpe**2
v_acoustic = np.sqrt((wpe2 * ci2 + wpi2 * ce2) / (wpi2 + wpe2))
ax.plot(ks, ks * v_acoustic * cost, **line_kwargs)
if 'ion acoustic' in what or 'iaw' in what:
# valid for mi >> me
line_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.8, lw=5, ls='dotted', c='c', label='IAW')
if > 0:
kLambdaD2 = ks**2 * / params.wpe**2 / params.rhoe
ax.plot(ks, params.wpi / np.sqrt(1 + 1 / kLambdaD2), **line_kwargs)
ax.plot((np.nan), (np.nan), **line_kwargs)
def calc_wh(wpe, wpi, wce, wci):
w2_sum = 0.5 * (wpe**2 + wpi**2 + wce**2 + wci**2)
w2_perm = wpe**2 * wci**2 + wpi**2 * wce**2 + wce**2 * wci**2
wLH = np.sqrt(w2_sum - np.sqrt(w2_sum**2 - w2_perm))
wUH = np.sqrt(w2_sum + np.sqrt(w2_sum**2 - w2_perm))
return wLH, wUH
def calc_wLH(wpe, wpi, wce, wci):
"""Compute exact lower hybrid frequency for an electron-ion plasma.
wLH, wUH = calc_wh(wpe, wpi, wce, wci)
return wLH
def calc_wUH(wpe, wpi, wce, wci):
"""Compute exact upper hybrid frequency for an electron-ion plasma.
wLH, wUH = calc_wh(wpe, wpi, wce, wci)
return wUH
def calc_wR(wpe, wpi, wce, wci):
"""Compute exact cutoff frequencies left-handed circularly-polarized waves.
The wave is solution of L=0 in Stix's notations.
wce = abs(wce)
return 0.5 * (wce - wci) + np.sqrt((0.5 * (wce + wci))**2 + wp**2)
def calc_wL(wpe, wpi, wce, wci):
"""Compute exact cutoff frequencies right-handed circularly-polarized waves.
The wave is solution of R=0 in Stix's notations.
wce = abs(wce)
return 0.5 * (wci - wce) + np.sqrt((0.5 * (wce + wci))**2 + wp**2)
def draw_extra_params(params, ax, ks=None, what=[], cost=None)
- A extra_params instance.
- A list of various curves to draw. Eligible elements are: vAlf, vMs, wp, wpe, wpi, wce, wci, wUH, wLH, wL, wR, wce, wci.
- cos(theta) to be used with vAlf, vMs, wce, wci.
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def draw_extra_params(params, ax, ks=None, what=[], cost=None): """ Args: params: A extra_params instance. what: A list of various curves to draw. Eligible elements are: vAlf, vMs, wp, wpe, wpi, wce, wci, wUH, wLH, wL, wR, wce, wci. cost: cos(theta) to be used with vAlf, vMs, wce, wci. """ if 'vAlf' in what: ax.plot(ks, ks * params.vAlf_tot, label=r'$kv_{A}$', c='r') if 'vAlf*cost' in what: ax.plot(ks, ks * params.vAlf_tot * cost, label=r'$kv_{A}\cos\theta$', lw=2, ls='dotted', c='r') if 'vMS' in what: ax.plot(ks, ks * params.vMS, label=r'$kv_{\rm{magsonic}}$', c='b') if 'vMS*cost' in what: ax.plot(ks, ks * params.vMS * cost, label=r'$kv_{\rm{magsonic}}\cos\theta$', lw=2, ls='dotted', c='b') if 'wp' in what: ax.axhline(params.wp_tot, label=r'$\omega_{p}$', c='r', ls='dotted') if 'wpi' in what: ax.axhline(params.wpi, label=r'$\omega_{pi}$', ls='dotted', c='g') if 'wpe' in what: ax.axhline(params.wpe, label=r'$\omega_{pe}$', ls='dotted', c='b') if 'wUH' in what: ax.axhline(params.wUH, label=r'$\omega_{UH}$', ls='--', c='c') # upper hybrid if 'wLH' in what: ax.axhline(params.wLH, label=r'$\omega_{LH}$', ls='--', c='m') # lower hybrid if 'wL' in what: ax.axhline(params.wL, label=r'$\omega_{L}$', ls='--', c='k') if 'wR' in what: ax.axhline(params.wR, label=r'$\omega_{R}$', ls='--', c='g') if 'wci' in what: ax.axhline(params.wci * cost, label=r'$\omega_{ci}\cos\theta$', ls='dotted', c='steelblue') if 'wce' in what: ax.axhline(abs(params.wce * cost), label=r'$\omega_{ce}\cos\theta$', ls='dotted', c='maroon') if 'acoustic' in what or 'aw' in what: line_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.8, lw=5, ls='dotted', c='b', label='AW') wp2 = params.wp_tot**2 ci2 = params.csi**2 ce2 = params.cse**2 wpi2 = params.wpi**2 wpe2 = params.wpe**2 ks2 = ks**2 ws = np.empty((len(ks), 4), dtype=np.complex128) for ik, k2 in enumerate(ks2): ws[ik, :] = np.roots( (1, 0, -(wp2 + k2 * ci2 + k2 * ce2), 0, k2 * ci2 * wpe2 + k2 * ce2 * wpi2 + k2**2 * ce2 * ci2)) ax.plot( ks, ws[:, 3].real, # FIXME sort result? **line_kwargs) if 'acoustic*cost' in what or 'aw*cost' in what: line_kwargs = dict( alpha=0.8, lw=5, ls='dotted', c='orange', label= r'$k\sqrt{\frac{\omega_{pe}^{2}c_{i}^{2}+\omega_{pi}^{2}c_{e}^{2}}{\omega_{pi}^{2}+\omega_{pe}^{2}}}\cos{\theta}$' ) ci2 = params.csi**2 ce2 = params.cse**2 wpi2 = params.wpi**2 wpe2 = params.wpe**2 v_acoustic = np.sqrt((wpe2 * ci2 + wpi2 * ce2) / (wpi2 + wpe2)) ax.plot(ks, ks * v_acoustic * cost, **line_kwargs) if 'ion acoustic' in what or 'iaw' in what: # valid for mi >> me line_kwargs = dict(alpha=0.8, lw=5, ls='dotted', c='c', label='IAW') if > 0: kLambdaD2 = ks**2 * / params.wpe**2 / params.rhoe ax.plot(ks, params.wpi / np.sqrt(1 + 1 / kLambdaD2), **line_kwargs) else: ax.plot((np.nan), (np.nan), **line_kwargs)
def plot_dr(ks, ws, knorm=1.0, wnorm=1.0, wi_mask_funcs=[], wri_mask_funcs=[], knorm_name='', wnorm_name='', wrmin=-inf, wrmax=inf, wimin=-inf, wimax=inf, w_min_max_is_normed=True, ax0=None, ax1=None, pargs0={}, pargs1={})
Plot dispersion relation as
dots, wherewr
are real and imaginary parts of a complex frequencyw
- An array of
values. ws
- A 2d array of
values of shape[nk, nSolutions]
, or a list of lengthlen(k)
with different number ofw
values at differentk
. ax0
- Axes to plot
. If it is None,k-wr
will not be plotted. ax1
- Axes to plot
. If it is None,k-wi
will not be plotted. knorm
values will be normalized byknorm
before being used.wnorm
values will be normalized bywnorm
before being used.knorm_name
- For example,
. wnorm_name
- For example,
. w_min_max_is_normed
- If
, thewimin
, etc. will be multiplied bywnorm
before being used. The default isTrue
, i.e., thewimin
, etc. are values after normalization. wi_mask_funcs
A list of functions that return mask arrays using normalized
as input. For example, to remove heavily damped solutions below the line((0, 0), (1, -0.5))
on thek-wi
plane, usedef wi_mask_func0(k, wi): return wi > k* (0+0.5) / (0-1)
def wi_mask_func0(k, wi): k0, wi0 = 1, -0.5 k1, wi1 = 0, 0 return wi > (k-k0) * (wi1-wi0) / (k1-k0) + wi0
Another example is to keep modes within a region:
def wi_mask_func1(k, wi): k0, wi0 = 0, 0 k1, wi1 = 5, -0.75 k2, wi2 = 5, -4 return (wi < (k-k0) * (wi1-wi0) / (k1-k0) + wi0) \ & (wi > (k-k0) * (wi2-wi0) / (k2-k0) + wi0)
- A list of functions that return mask arrays using
normalized wr and wi as input. For example, to remove heavily damped
modes, use
def wri_mask_func0(wr, wi): return wr >= - abs(wr) / (2.*np.pi)
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def plot_dr( ks, ws, knorm=1., wnorm=1., wi_mask_funcs=[], wri_mask_funcs=[], knorm_name='', wnorm_name='', wrmin=-np.inf, wrmax=np.inf, wimin=-np.inf, wimax=np.inf, w_min_max_is_normed=True, ax0=None, ax1=None, pargs0={}, pargs1={}, ): r"""Plot dispersion relation as `k-wr` and `k-wi` dots, where `wr` and `wi` are real and imaginary parts of a complex frequency `w`. Args: ks: An array of `k` values. ws: A 2d array of `w` values of shape `[nk, nSolutions]`, or a list of length `len(k)` with different number of `w` values at different `k`. ax0: Axes to plot `k-wr`. If it is None, `k-wr` will not be plotted. ax1: Axes to plot `k-wi`. If it is None, `k-wi` will not be plotted. knorm: `k` values will be normalized by `knorm` before being used. wnorm: `w` values will be normalized by `wnorm` before being used. knorm_name: For example, `'/k'`. wnorm_name: For example, `'/\omega_{ci}'`. w_min_max_is_normed: If `False`, the `wimin`, `wimax`, etc. will be multiplied by `wnorm` before being used. The default is `True`, i.e., the `wimin`, etc. are values after normalization. wi_mask_funcs: A list of functions that return mask arrays using normalized `k` and `wi` as input. For example, to remove heavily damped solutions below the line `((0, 0), (1, -0.5))` on the `k-wi` plane, use def wi_mask_func0(k, wi): return wi > k* (0+0.5) / (0-1) or def wi_mask_func0(k, wi): k0, wi0 = 1, -0.5 k1, wi1 = 0, 0 return wi > (k-k0) * (wi1-wi0) / (k1-k0) + wi0 Another example is to keep modes within a region: def wi_mask_func1(k, wi): k0, wi0 = 0, 0 k1, wi1 = 5, -0.75 k2, wi2 = 5, -4 return (wi < (k-k0) * (wi1-wi0) / (k1-k0) + wi0) \ & (wi > (k-k0) * (wi2-wi0) / (k2-k0) + wi0) wri_mask_funcs: A list of functions that return mask arrays using normalized wr and wi as input. For example, to remove heavily damped modes, use def wri_mask_func0(wr, wi): return wr >= - abs(wr) / (2.*np.pi) """ if ax0 is None and ax1 is None: return if not w_min_max_is_normed: wimin *= wnorm wimax *= wnorm wrmin *= wnorm wrmax *= wnorm ks_ = ks / knorm if isinstance(ws, np.ndarray): ws_ = ws / wnorm elif isinstance(ws, list): ws_ = [w / wnorm for w in ws] else: raise TypeError('type(ws) {} =/= ndarray or list'.format(type(ws))) if isinstance(ws, np.ndarray): for iSol in range(ws.shape[1]): w = ws_[:, iSol] wi = np.imag(w) wr = np.real(w) mask = (wi > wimin) & (wi < wimax) & (wr > wrmin) & (wr < wrmax) if len(wi_mask_funcs) + len(wri_mask_funcs) > 0: for wi_mask_func in wi_mask_funcs: mask = mask & (wi_mask_func(ks_, wi)) for wri_mask_func in wri_mask_funcs: mask = mask & (wri_mask_func(wr, wi)) wr = wr[mask] wi = wi[mask] k = ks_[mask] if len(k) == 0: continue if ax0 is not None: sc0 = ax0.scatter(k, wr, **pargs0) if ax1 is not None: sc1 = ax1.scatter(k, wi, **pargs1) elif isinstance(ws, list): nk = len(ks_) for ik, kk in enumerate(ks_): wreal = ws_[ik].real wimag = ws_[ik].imag mask = (wimag > wimin) & (wimag < wimax) & (wreal > wrmin) & (wreal < wrmax) wr = wreal[mask] wi = wimag[mask] nSols = len(ws_[ik]) k = np.full((nSols), kk)[mask] if len(k) == 0: continue if ax0 is not None: sc0 = ax0.scatter(k, wr, **pargs0) if ax1 is not None: sc1 = ax1.scatter(k, wi, **pargs1) if ax0 is not None: ax0.set_ylabel(r'$\omega_R{}$'.format(wnorm_name)) ax0.set_xlabel(r'$k{}$'.format(knorm_name)) ax0.set_xlim(ks_.min(), ks_.max()) if ax1 is not None: ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\gamma{}$'.format(wnorm_name)) ax1.set_xlabel(r'$k{}$'.format(knorm_name)) ax1.set_xlim(ks_.min(), ks_.max())
class extra_params (species, params, problem_type=None)
A class to compute useful variables from basic parameters for repeated usage.
- A
matrix. The components are:q, m, n0, v0x, v0y, v0z, p0perp, p0para, gamma_perp, gamma_para
. An example for plasma with isothermal electrons and adiabatic ions:species = np.array([ [q_e, m_e, n0_e, v0x_e, v0y_e, v0z_e, p0perp_e, p0para_e, gamma_perp_e, gamma_para_e], # electron [q_i, m_i, n0_i, v0x_i, v0y_i, v0z_i, p0perp_i, p0para_i, gamma_perp_i, gamma_para_i], # ion ])
- A dictionary with keys
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class extra_params(): """A class to compute useful variables from basic parameters for repeated usage.""" def __init__(self, species, params, problem_type=None): """ Args: species (np.ndarray): A `nSpecies*nComponents` matrix. The components are: `q, m, n0, v0x, v0y, v0z, p0perp, p0para, gamma_perp, gamma_para`. An example for plasma with isothermal electrons and adiabatic ions: species = np.array([ [q_e, m_e, n0_e, v0x_e, v0y_e, v0z_e, p0perp_e, p0para_e, gamma_perp_e, gamma_para_e], # electron [q_i, m_i, n0_i, v0x_i, v0y_i, v0z_i, p0perp_i, p0para_i, gamma_perp_i, gamma_para_i], # ion ]) params (dict): A dictionary with keys `Bz`, `c`, `epsilon0`. """ if species.shape[1] == 10: # fluid em3d q, m, n, vx, vy, vz, p_perp, p_para, gamma_perp, gamma_para = np.rollaxis( species, axis=1) if problem_type is None: problem_type = 'em3d' else: assert problem_type == 'em3d' elif species.shape[1] == 9: # fluid es3d q, m, n, vx, vz, p_perp, p_para, gamma_perp, gamma_para = np.rollaxis( species, axis=1) vy = 0 if problem_type is None: problem_type = 'es3d' else: assert problem_type == 'es3d' elif species.shape[1] == 6: # fluid es1d q, m, n, vx, p, gamma = np.rollaxis(species, axis=1) vy = 0 vz = 0 p_perp = p p_para = p gamma_perp = gamma gamma_para = gamma if problem_type is None: problem_type = 'es1d' else: assert problem_type == 'es1d' elif species.shape[1] == 7: # vlasov es3d q, m, n, vx, vz, p_perp, p_para = np.rollaxis( np.array(species), axis=1) vy = 0 if problem_type is None: problem_type = 'es3d' else: assert problem_type == 'es3d' elif species.shape[1] == 5: # vlasov es1d q, m, n, vx, p = np.rollaxis(species, axis=1) gamma = 1 vy = 0 vz = 0 p_perp = p p_para = p gamma_perp = gamma gamma_para = gamma if problem_type is None: problem_type = 'es1d' else: assert problem_type == 'es1d' else: raise ValueError( '`species` must have 6 (fluid es1d), 9 (fluid es3d) 10 ' '(fluid em3d) , 5 (vlasov es1d), or 7 (vlasov es3d) ' 'components.') nSpecies = len(q) B, c = 0, 1 if problem_type in ['es3d', 'em3d']: B = params['Bz'] if problem_type in ['em3d']: c = params['c'] epsilon0 = params['epsilon0'] c2 = c**2 mu0 = 1 / c2 / epsilon0 wp = np.sqrt(n * q**2. / epsilon0 / m) wp_tot = np.linalg.norm(wp) wc = q * B / m cs = np.sqrt(gamma_para * p_para / n / m) # sound speeds rho_m = (n * m).sum() vAlf = np.sqrt(B**2 / mu0 / (m * n)) if abs(B) > 0: vAlf_tot = np.sqrt(1 / (1 / vAlf**2).sum()) else: vAlf_tot = 0 vAlf2 = vAlf_tot**2 # magnetosonic speed if (np.abs(B) > np.finfo(np.float64).eps * 1e3): vMS = np.sqrt(c2 * vAlf2 * (1 + (cs**2 / vAlf**2).sum()) / (vAlf2 + c2)) else: vMS = c2 * vAlf2 / (c2 + vAlf2) self.q = q self.m = m self.n = n self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.vz = vz self.p_para = p_para self.p_perp = p_perp self.gamma_para = gamma_para self.gamma_perp = gamma_perp self.nSpecies = nSpecies # kB * T T_para = p_para / n T_perp = p_perp / n T = p_para / n # FIXME more rigorous lambdaD = np.sqrt(epsilon0 * T / n / q**2) self.T_para = T_para self.T_perp = T_perp self.T = T self.lambdaD = lambdaD for val, key in enumerate(params): setattr(self, key, val) self.c = np.sqrt(c2) self.wp = wp self.wp_tot = wp_tot self.wc = wc self.cs = cs self.rho_m = rho_m self.vAlf = vAlf self.vAlf_tot = vAlf_tot self.vMS = vMS if nSpecies == 2 and q[0] < 0. and q[1] > 0: wpe = self.wp[0] wpi = self.wp[1] wce = self.wc[0] wci = self.wc[1] wp = self.wp_tot # exact lower and higher hybrid frequencies; solutions of S=0 w2_sum = 0.5 * (wpe**2 + wpi**2 + wce**2 + wci**2) w2_perm = wpe**2 * wci**2 + wpi**2 * wce**2 + wce**2 * wci**2 self.wLH = np.sqrt(w2_sum - np.sqrt(w2_sum**2 - w2_perm)) self.wUH = np.sqrt(w2_sum + np.sqrt(w2_sum**2 - w2_perm)) # exact cutoff frequencies left- and right-handed # circularly-polarized waves solutions of L=0 and R=0 self.wR = 0.5 * (abs(wce) - wci) + np.sqrt((0.5 * (abs(wce) + wci))**2 + wp**2) self.wL = 0.5 * (wci - abs(wce)) + np.sqrt((0.5 * (abs(wce) + wci))**2 + wp**2) self.wpe = wpe self.wpi = wpi self.wce = wce self.wci = wci self.cse = self.cs[0] self.csi = self.cs[1] self.vAlfe = self.vAlf[0] self.vAlfi = self.vAlf[1] = self.p_para[0] self.pi = self.p_para[1] self.rhoe = self.n[0] * self.m[0] self.rhoi = self.n[1] * self.m[1]