Module xenon.fluid

Dispersion relation solvers for multifluid plasmas.

Three versions are implemented:

  • k2w_es1d: Electrostatic waves in an unmagnetized plasma.
  • kw2_es3d: Electrostatic waves in a magnetized plasma.
  • kw2_em3d: Electromagnetic waves in a magnetized plasma.

The plasmma pressure is allowed to be anisotropic in the magnetized case (es3d and em3d).

Further extension planned (in order of priority from high to low):

  • Relativistic effects
  • Density/temperature gradients
  • Collisions
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## Dispersion relation solvers for multifluid plasmas.

Three versions are implemented:

- `k2w_es1d`: Electrostatic waves in an unmagnetized plasma.
- `kw2_es3d`: Electrostatic waves in a magnetized plasma.
- `kw2_em3d`: Electromagnetic waves in a magnetized plasma.

The plasmma pressure is allowed to be anisotropic in the magnetized case (es3d
and em3d).

Further extension planned (in order of priority from high to low):

- Relativistic effects
- Density/temperature gradients
- Collisions
from .fluid_dr import *

